Thursday, August 04, 2005

Does Alabama want any Moore?

Some friends and associates have commented on the recent political poll showing that the Alabama Republican leadership favor Governor Bob Riley (R-Alabama) over Roy Moore (?-Ten Commandments). The Birmingham News reported that

"Seventy-two percent of 160 Republican Executive Committee members who responded supported Riley; 21 percent supported Moore. The remainder either were
undecided or said a Riley-Moore matchup would amount to no choice at all."
This development is despite an earlier report that Moore was favored by the Republican rank-and-file.

If Moore decides to run for governor, rather than pursue other aspirations fueled by his apparent demagoguery, it will be interesting to see how his support holds up among mainstream Republicans compared to fundamentalist Christian Republicans.

I am inclined to think that, when voting time comes, Moore will have lost the support of many Republicans who agree with him that the Ten Commandments can be displayed in public buildings but who are concerned (to say the least) about his blatant disregard for the rule of law as evidenced by his defiance of the federal court's decision in his case.


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