Monday, August 15, 2005

A Political Liability?

The Alabama Democratic Party weblog has been telling us why Beth Chapman has no integrity.

I'm waiting for the ADP to tell us why we should vote FOR Worley rather than harping on what they don't like about Chapman.

Personally, if the Democratic Party doesn't 1) find someone to oppose Worley in the primary (Worley will surely lose), or 2) otherwise get Worley to abandon a re-election bid, I fear the Democrats will lose the secretary of state seat to the Republicans.

If the Democratic leaders don't take the Worley problem seriously, it will show just how out of touch they are. At least Ken Guin (D-Carbon Hill), as The Tuscaloosa News reported, had the guts to point out the problem and solution:

Guin said he feels the bill [taking the ability to fire voter registrars away from the secretary of state] would have been in violation of the federal law, but warned Worley that she may have to answer for how her office is operated when she comes up for reelection next year.

“Where this ought to be addressed is at the ballot box," he said.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you are just after Worley aren't you? But you've got your facts wrong. You said in an earlier post, "while also laying off staff members, to her power grabs targeted at registrars and the statewide voter registration system, she starts out on shaky ground."

Worley fired pathetic loser employees who didn't do their jobs number one.

Secondly, the registrars are 2 out of 3 Republican appointees per county, one from Chapman, which before the last election were 3 out of 3 Democrats. Although that's enough said, what happened in regards to what you falsely claim was a power grab, is that an employee who was fired wrote the shotty HAVA bill, the Probate Judges Association made it clear to Worley and Legislators that certain provisions affecting them and Registrars were not going to work, and the bill was changed and passed. That's compromise, that's the legislative process, that's a bad employee, and that's getting the job done.

And finally, the state is mandated to get a statewide voter file, which it almost has had for a decade now anyway. ALVIN, as it is called, is an old antiquated piece of crap. I don't agree with Diebold, but you'd probably be rediculing Worley had she picked the higher cost vendor. I hope that choice will change, but it's hard to fault her when all the talk right now is about saving Alabama's tax payer money, no waste etc.!

So, in summary, Worley has had some hard knocks and will have a tough time in the Primary or General, but Chapman will be a disaster. But I guess you've picked your's ass that is.

8:20 PM  

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