Monday, October 24, 2005

Security Blanket

The Birmingham News reports today that the State of Alabama has paid $125,000 to install retractable steel posts to prevent a truck bomb attack on the Alabama State House. The State House is the home of the Legislature and the Attorney General, as well as office space for several other agencies.

While the retractable posts will hinder a mad truck or car bomber from going down one ramp and accessing the loading the dock at that building, there is at least one other access point for vehicles which was not secured. Additionally, next to the State House is a parking deck which has a top-level with access points on the street that have not been secured except by an arm that drops across the entrance.

If a stopping a car bomb is the real goal, then these gaping holes should be points of concern. Further, it is quite easy to pull a car or truck up to any number of positions around the building, especially after hours when employee vehicles aren't parked alongside the building.

The chief of security for the State House commented that the building needs protection because "[i]t's a symbol of government." I guess the occupants of the Capitol Building (Governor, Auditor, Treasurer, Secretary of State, and their employees) must take comfort that their building hasn't been targeted for security enchancements. Their building must not be a symbol of government or must have no security weaknesses.

Of course, it has been suggested that the Capitol Building already has some sophisticated security mechanisms in place that must be protected at all costs. I guess they should be sufficient.


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