Worley Watch: Special Christmas Entry

"May your Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, etc., be SUNNY - send MONEY!
"May your New Year be a blast - send CASH!
"Your contribution will be worth a bushel and peck - send a CHECK!
"This Secretary of State hopes you won't be late - please mail before January 10! Once every four years,a donation envelop falls out of your card which you may consider "tacky"; however, it saves me another stamp/letter asking you for campaign contributions."And so goes Nancy Worley's holiday letter that she included in her Christmas cards this year.
And some thought Roy and Kayla were a bit crass and opportunistic in their holiday fundraising?
You can read the full text of Worley's Christmas message (Pages 1 and 2):

I'm a Democrat, and I'm convinced that Worley must GO! She (along with A. G. Troy King) are truly embarassments to this state.
I used to work for Worley, and I cannot express to you the amount of relief I feel each morning I wake up. She is one of the most despicable people I have ever met. She degrades people on a personal level and is completely uneducated to the internal structure of a business. She is a teacher, but in no way a manager. She believes she is above the Code of Alabama and all other laws for that matter. Some people say the media is blowing things out of proportion, but they are actually being too kind. There are plenty of other subjects I could touch on but I will keep it to a minimum.
PS- Trey Granger is not and was not on her side. He was patient and intelligent enough to advance himself away from her, and for that, I applaud you!
Thanks for writing, Ivory. It would be great to hear from more of the many many who have left that office under duress, pressure, etc., from Worley's attacks.
Mrs. Trey Granger? Was that you hyping up your boy?
Trey had his head buried so deep everyone thought he was a proctologist.
If he wasn't on Worley's "side" then he showed how little integrity he has by making it seem that way and then changing his tune once he got out.
If you have a family, then it is your duty to support them . Of course, you could stand up for yourself and get fired, but where would that leave them. It's called responsibility, if you are taking up for Nancy Worley, then you must work for her, probably one of her dozen "Riding the coattails" appointees, and have no responsibilities anyway.
It's okay, by taking up for Worley I wouldn't have expected you to make that connection anyway. Obviously, your priorities are not straight in your life.
Mrs. Granger, no one would take away from Trey that he was providing for his family. If Trey was so concerned for his family, he would not have relied on political appointments for a living. He would have gotten a more stable secure job years ago. Also it is one thing for Trey to do what he needed to do to protect his own job and take care of his family. It is another thing altogether to become Worleys hired gun and to stab people in the back who did nothing to you. From what I hear he is now going all over the Montgomery county courthouse saying how bad Worley is. You would think he would at least have the decency to apologize to people he hurt while he was protecting his livelihood for his family.
It's Ivory Knight to you :)
Have you tried to get a job in Montgomery lately? Unless you want to work 60 hours a week in militant conditions at Hyundai as a janitor or on the assembly line.
You get your foot in the door and work your way out of it.
Maybe he should apologize to people, but would those people accept it? Sounds like you are pretty mad about it and wouldn't accept an apology.
Besides, the apologies need to come from Worley. She needs to start with her staff who are th eonly ones keeping the office from falling COMPLETELY apart.
Try as you might. You can't really provide a good reason for Trey's behavior. Maybe your rationalizations will help him clear his conscience. Or maybe the folks at the Methodist Church can help him.
So you're saying your pride is more important than your child's welfare. Now I see why the school system is in the shape it's in.
Why don't you stay focused on the real problem - Nancy Worley?
Ivory - it would be nice if you could share more of your insight on Worley. You did say you used to work for her.
I do have a lot of insight on Worley, and I will before the primaries. Yes the REAL problem is Worley. Let us stay focused!
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