Worley Watch: Contracting

The article includes the following take on the situation by Representative Alvin Holmes, a staunch Democrat on the Contract Review Committee:
Rep. Alvin Holmes, D-Montgomery, said he doesn't think Bolton can get paid for the work he has done for the secretary of state.And, for bipartisanship, Senator Larry Dixon is reported to have said:
"The law clearly states that you have to go through contract review to get a contract approved and she didn't do it," Holmes said.
"I feel the secretary of state completely mishandled this situation. Since it involves a disgruntled former employee, I would think she would be careful to make sure she touched every legal base."While I am obviously no defender of Nancy Worley, I do hope that the attorney she hired is paid for whatever services he legitimately rendered to the Secretary of State's office. Hopefully, though, that attorney, and other people witnessing Worley's magic once again, will keep her track record in mind during this year's elections.
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