Friday, August 26, 2005

Sometimes Moore is Less

Thanks to Lee P. for providing, via his blog, a heads up on the anti-Moore blog,

Lee, on his blog, and Slade and Collin, on the anti-Moore blog, share their views as to why Moore is unfit to serve as governor. My take is similar to theirs, but a little different.

I have no complaint with posting the Ten Commandments in public buildings as long as they are presented in a historical context. Although I do not believe that government should endorse any one particular religion or belief system, it is perfectly acceptable, in my mind, that government be able to acknowledge particular religions just as it might acknowledge other aspects of American culture.

Moore fails to get my support on two counts. First, he was clear in his stated intent that he didn't want just an acknowledgement of the role of Christianity in American culture. He wanted government to endorse the Christian God as the one and true God to the exclusion of other faiths. I do not think it's government's place to put its stamp of approval on any particular belief system.

Second, and more to the point of his fitness to serve in state office, his decision, as the presiding judge of the state's highest court, to ignore an order from a superior court showed extremly poor judgement and an extreme lack of respect for our constitutional system of government. I think a number of Christians who voted for Moore in 2000 and supported him on the Ten Commandments issue later split away from his ranks when they saw him, in his official capacity, defy properly constituted authority.

To make matters worse, Moore whined and complained about being victimized. Even if I disagree with someone on a particular issue, I can respect that person if he stands firm for his cause. I cannot support someone who practices civil disobedience but does not want to suffer the consequences in the name of their cause.


Blogger Scully said...

Watchman, good to know of another anti Moore-on blog. I actually agree with you 100%. I am pro 10 commandments, but anti-the way Moore used them, and abused them. He has no regard for our Constitution or its judicial hierarchy of power. Feel free to stop on over at anytime.

6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judges will not be reigned in by other judges. The legislatives and executive branches will have to do that.

3:01 PM  

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