Thursday, September 08, 2005

Double Naught Stuff!

The Huntsville Times reported today that the Department of Public Safety will not provide that newspaper a copy of the video tape showing Senator Curt Lee's early morning escapades in the State Capitol Building. Public Safety will also not release the card key records showing who accessed the Capitol.

Mike Coppage, head of Public Safety, says the tape isn't a public record. But then also claims that even if it was, he believes it is not subject to disclosure because they would reveal "the procedures and methods used to maintain security at these public buildings and their release could compromise that security."

According to the Times report, Jeff Emerson, spokesman for Gov. Bob Riley, said "There are certain security features in the Statehouse and the Capitol complex that we just don't comment on."

Why are these guys acting like the State House and the Capitol are protected by James Bond-style technology?

We know that part of the security features, obviously, are video cameras. The admission that there even is a tape reveals that method. Further, anyone with any common sense can determine where cameras are located in the Capitol complex.

Here's a fun game after you tour the Capitol: Find the camera locations! Pay particular attention to the small, black dome-shaped fixtures mounted on walls and ceilings and (did you miss them) on the outside corners on the tops of selected buildings!

As far as card keys go, admitting there are card keys reveals, again, that method of security. And anyone wanting to know more about it's usage only has to see if a door has a card reader. Not a lot of secrecy there.

Frankly, there's not a lot of sophistication in the security at the Capitol or State House. It's standard fare, from the strategic placement of cameras, selected doors protected by controlled-access locks, and the orange cones in the loading zone meant to repel a terrorist car bombing.

Governor Riley should give up the video tape and quit pretending that everything involving the Capitol has to be a state secret.


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