Of Tigers and Trees
It's cliche' to invoke Mr. Harvey's signature line, but it seems we now have the "rest of the story."
The reactionary right has had a field day pointing out the evil perpetrated by men and women when referring to a tree formerly known as "Christmas" as a "holiday tree". For an example, see this. Even Alabama's beloved Auburn University has been dragged through the mud on this issue by conservatives that, apparently, jumped to a conclusion not supported by the facts they didn't jump from. The American Family Association went so far as to say that Auburn had banned the Christmas tree
The Birmingham News reported today that Auburn has, in fact, not renamed the "Christmas tree" a "holiday tree." Whereas protestors considered the lighting event a " 'holiday tree' lighting ceremony", Auburn has clarified that the event is in fact a "holiday 'tree lighting' ceremony".
For those of you who didn't benefit from SchoolHouse Rock and the like, the word "holiday" is an adverb that tells us when (during the holidays) a particular type of ceremony (tree lighting) is being held (during the holidays). Auburn was not holding a lighting ceremony for a "holiday tree."
Lee Johnsey of the SGA noted that everyone took for granted that it was a Christmas tree. He want on to say that "[w]e are in the holiday season and we are lighting a tree," he said.
Kudos go to the SGA for rejecting a petition that demanded the SGA rename the tree lighting as a "Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony."
Max Coblentz, an SGA senator and Code of Laws Committee chairman, is reported as saying that most senators were upset at the way the issue was raised. He also pointed out there will likely be some clarification next year that the tree is indeed a Christmas tree.
Perhaps Mike Adams would have benefited from doing the same reporter's footwork that Thomas Spencer of The Birmingham News did: actually talking to people involved to determine what the facts are before making strident accusations and wagging a finger.
By the way, Mike Adams needs to avoid using Auburn's proud imagery and symbols if he can't get it right. "War Eagle" is singular and people in the Auburn Nation are not called "War Eagles".
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